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/ People of Sacramento Archives / People of Sacramento Archives (Sacramento Archives and Museum Collection)(1999).ISO / pc / Program / largepic / 1037f.jpg < prev    next >
Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1999-12-07  |  127KB  |  500x367  |  8-bit (256 colors)
Labels: bird | daybook | reckoner
OCR: COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO Distriet Court, Sixth Juditial Distriet, hne TERM, Coutt pursuant to adiournment- the HOw JOH Mistrict Judge, Sixth Jndicial istrict, prcsiding herson, nalive shhlies to be admiHed Citizen the United States, District Juditinl Dtatrict Sirth presiding whide ferson Aroaud ohhlies drelasalin inentoms